Each unit has a respective community council that serves to provide guidance and recommendations to the DLNR and the Forest Service. Each council participates in drafting resource documents such as management plans and creating annual work plans to meet goals. They also take part in the review process for research permitting which increases transparency and allows for addressing any concerns prior to permit approval. Council members also contribute to engagement programming, sharing their personal and professional expertise, and are an extremely valuable resource.
About the Laupāhoehoe Advisory Council (LAC): Formed in December 2010, the purpose of the LAC is to provide the Hawai‘i Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) and the US Forest Service (USFS) guidance and consultation relating to management, research, and other activities within the State lands that comprise the HETF. The LAC’s mission statement: Within our Hawaiian Culture establish community support in the development of strategies for the long-term management, protection and utilization of existing and potential forest resources. Visit the LAC’s website to learn more.
About the Pu‘uwa‘awa‘a Advisory Council (PAC): The PAC was formed in June 2002 to function in a consultative capacity with Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) staff involved in planning efforts for Pu‘uwa‘awa‘a. The PAC is comprised of community members, who represent a wide range of expertise and interests. You can visit the PAC’s website to learn more.
Advisory Council Applications
Are you interested in joining one of the Advisory Councils and informing our future projects and decisions for our HETF sites? Then download the relevant application, fill it out, and email it to the address given at the top of the form.