All persons interested in applying for permission to conduct research or research related activities must submit a permit application to the Research Technical Committee (RTC), through the HETF Administrator. Once approved by the RTC, the Hawaii Island Branch Manager of the Division of Forestry and Wildlife has been delegated the authority to issue permits for Forest Reserve lands and the Laupāhoehoe Natural Area Reserve. All research projects must be approved by the RTC prior to beginning field work.
Research Permit Application – Guidelines
- Read these before submitting a permit application.
Research Permit Application
- Submittal details are provided on the application.
- Please read the included Permit Standard Conditions, General Procedures and Regulations before application submittal.
Research Permit Amendment
- Used to make changes (personnel, methods, etc.) to an existing HETF permit.
Research Permit Annual Report Template
- All permit holders are required to submit an annual report on project progress no later than one year from the date of permit issue and/or prior to the renewal of an existing permit. Please complete the Research Annual Report Template and return to the HETF Resource Associate: [email protected]
- We welcome and encourage more detailed information relating to you research than is outlined in the annual report form. Additional information (including photos, graphs, tables, figures, PDFs of publications, etc.) may be attached separately and submitted with this form.
**Please note that the information submitted in your report will be included in HETF related documents and available to the public.**